Visualizzazione post con etichetta anna paola pascuzzi. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta anna paola pascuzzi. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì 30 aprile 2014

We offer design services!

We offer design services:
-trend forecasts 
-material researches
-shoe line collections based on the client's needs
-prototypes and samples production facilities
-bespoke handmade shoes
-protos and samples check

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information: 

lunedì 15 ottobre 2012

Anna Paola Pascuzzi and her illustrations are on Ars Arpel magazines

These are the latest published shoe illustrations on Junior, Jolly, and Julia, all Ars Arpel magazines.

The trends are the ones of Winter 2013-14: 

Beyond Military, Party Goers, Brit Business and Massive.

The magazines are: Julia 146, Jolly 135 and Junior 129

giovedì 5 luglio 2012

in needs of more trends?

If you need to be up to date on new trends, please visit:

many different available trend books on shoes and accessories can be purchased directly on the site.

martedì 31 gennaio 2012

Artisanal shoes by Calzarium and some designed by Anna Paola Pascuzzi were presented at La Sala Bianca during the Haute Couture week of Rome

The shoe workshop based in Rome, Calzarium presented some handmade in Italy shoes at La Sala Bianca event, during the Haute Couture week in Rome.
One shoe design by Anna Paola Pascuzzi and the prototype in the making

This event was organized by LabCostume. The exhibition of Calzarium was designed by Insite Lab.

mercoledì 25 gennaio 2012

More publishings on Ars Arpel: Julia 143

Handmade in Italy shoes by Calzarium, Via Morichini 30 Rome- Italy- tel. 06 44 24 18 08

Handmade in Italy shoes by Calzarium, Via Morichini 30 Rome- Italy- tel. 06 44 24 18 08

Handmade in Italy shoes by Calzarium, Via Morichini 30 Rome- Italy- tel. 06 44 24 18 08

Handmade in Italy shoes by Calzarium, Via Morichini 30 Rome- Italy- tel. 06 44 24 18 08

martedì 9 novembre 2010

more shoe design illustrations published on Ars Arpel magazines: a female boot

Anna Paola Pascuzzi owns the total copyright of her illustrations. Luckily many people are visiting these posts and have bought the magazines and if someone wants to take inspiration or decides to copy these models, he/she won't be alone! it takes an entire good education and a very good enviroment to create new shoe model collections.

venerdì 5 novembre 2010

My shoe design for KIDS on Ars Arpel magazines

My shoe design published on Ars Arpel magazines: winter preview for woman

These are very old illustrations,  we are in 2011-12 here, the trends are out of fashion now. But if you need brand new and best sellers designs for your up coming collections just send  a mail to or if you like you can buy the 2016 forecast trend books here:

My latest shoe designs have been published on Ars Arpel Magazine: Julia 138
for next A-W 11-12 season.

martedì 24 agosto 2010

some ai illustrations

Anna Paola Pascuzzi owns the total copyright of her illustrations. Luckily many people are visiting these posts and if someone wants to take inspiration or decides to copy these models, he/she won't be alone! it takes an entire good education and a very good enviroment to create new shoe model collections.

venerdì 18 giugno 2010

ai illustration

Anna Paola Pascuzzi owns the total copyright of her illustrations. Luckily many people are visiting these posts and if someone wants to take inspiration or decides to copy these models, he/she won't be alone! it takes an entire good education and a very good enviroment to create new shoe model collections.

martedì 4 maggio 2010

new shoe illustration: black and white

Anna Paola Pascuzzi owns the total copyright of her illustrations. Luckily many people are visiting these posts and if someone wants to take inspiration or decides to copy these models, he/she won't be alone! it takes an entire good education and a very good enviroment to create new shoe model collections.

lunedì 29 marzo 2010

My Interview on WHOHUB


What is your specialty as a stylist? fashion, salon, image, objects...?

I am an Italian Footwear designer and product manager

Can you provide a link to a site where we can see something of your work or of where you work.

Of course, my web sites are the following ones: and and and
and there's a post on my recent work on (...)

If somebody wants to buy my shoes/accessories please visit:

or http//

In what style or trend do you classify yourself?

I do like fashion and trends so there is not a single style or trend I like

What are your clients like?

I do work for shoe companies/shoe factories in need of fresh ideas for their footwear collections and for single clients who are willing of having their bespoke pair of shoe

How did you begin to develop your talent? Have you possesed it since you were a child?

Since I was a child, I knew I wanted to be part of the fashion world and while I was attending the Accademia di Costume e Moda in Rome, I felt inspired by the shoe world, I remember there were only a few students willing of learning more about shoes at that time.

I was obsessed by footwear and at the Accademia I started sketching my first shoe models that then were published by Il Mondo Della Calzatura, a shoe magazine based in Milan.
Then I won the 1st award of the Hogan/Della Valle competition, knowing quite nothing of shoe technology, a subject that would have been my main future goal. And I accomplished that goal too at Cercal in San Mauro Pascoli and then directly working in the Italian shoe field.

What importance has professional training had on your career?

A lot! My professional training, firstly at Accademia di Costume e di Moda in Rome and then at Cercal, in San Mauro Pascoli determinded my career and my personality.

When did you first realize you could make a living this way?

After my period at Cercal I understood the moment was right to start working.

What people or experiences have taught you the most and helped you to arrive where you are?

Many people and many experiences have taught me a lot, in Italy and abroad.

Every single teacher and collegue helped me knowing a little bit more on my work. Then every single client and supplier showed me more about the shoe world, for example lasts and heels producers.

What is your concept of beauty? Why does it change so much from one culture to another, or from one era to another?

My concept of beauty on a side is linked to the ancient Roman art (painting and sculpure) and on the other refers to nature.

I believe that the concept of beauty changes a lot from a culture to another and from an era to the other because beauty is made by people, it is not a standard concept valid for everyone and generally people get bored very fast, that's why they tend to renew themselves and their minds.

Do you need to love what you do, or does professionalism suffice?

I need to love what I do, professionalism can help but without inspiration you cannot go on.

What do you do when a client requests something that you believe is not suitable for him/her?

This is the main point in creating a new product, even because I am a very instinctive person and quite always things go the way I forecast. So clients should trust me more and do what I propose them to do, because examining closely their products or knowing their tastes I can see better what's suitable for them

Besides advising clients, do you also educate them?

Sometimes it happens.

Please name three well-known personalities whose look you admire, and three who need to urgently change their image.

The three well-known personalities I do admire are Rhania of Jordan, Barack Obama and Suzy Menkes.

The three personalities who are urgently in need to change their image are Silvio Berlusconi, Elisabeth the 2nd and Paris Hilton.

Being surrounded by a different style can cause a person to feel different. Can such a feeling transform a person?

I do agree, a different style can really make the difference. But then people must change their minds too.

What trends do you see gaining momentum?

Not really one in particular, but I feel people are searching more bespoke quality products and most of all they want recycled and eco products too. I think mass production is going to end and a new way of making products is going to be present in a short time.

Make a prediction: how long will the fashion of piercing and tattoos last?

I never liked piercing or tattoos. Personally I do not even have the ear holes, so I wish this fashion was already over.

What magazines or websites do you follow to keep up to date? What other types of cultural inputs serve as sources of inspiration for you?

A lot of web sites:,, ...

I do visit fairs, go to the cinema and read novels

I would like to be more discerning when I buy clothes or furniture. What do you recommend I do to acquire this ability?

To be very careful regarding the place of production and the materials. Moreover it is necessary to be informed and to search the web for news and infos.

venerdì 12 marzo 2010

e Lineapelle si avvicina...

Lineapelle è la FIERA dei materiali calzaturieri/pellettieri per antonomasia ed inizia, ahinoi!, il prossimo martedì, 16 marzo 2010.

Davvero desueta questa data, di solito sono abituata ad andare a Bologna col caldo, coi pollini che sembrano neve sui viali, con la congiuntivite e l'allergia, ma anche con il soprabito leggero e con le ballerine ai piedi! Insomma, a Lineapelle si va a Maggio, non a Marzo!

Ed ecco che questa volta avrò il piumino lungo, le scarpe invernali e sarà freddo e forse ci sarà la neve vera!

Ancora mi chiedo come mai abbiano anticipato la preselezione a Marzo!

E poi con la crisi che si vive, che fretta c'era di anticipare le collezioni dei materiali?

Del resto, da stilista e da ricercatrice tendenze, per me è chiarissimo che proprio le tendenze avranno vita più lunga e non più corta, e si andrà verso concetti e temi più longevi e quindi a che serve, anzi a chi serve Lineapelle a Marzo?

sabato 6 marzo 2010

Report da ultimo Micam

L'ultima edizione del Micam è stata al solito interessante, ma iper stressante: padiglioni enormi, microclima micidiale, km da percorrere, etc.

Il mio punto di vista di vista è questo: pochi concetti nuovi, poca ricerca, molti produttori hanno presentato, al solito, quelle calzature che si creda possano vendere meglio e di conseguenza tutti producono lo stesso tipo di modello, dandosi la zappa e la zeppa sui piedi.

In generale l'aria che si respirava, nelle enormi hall del Micam, era depressa!

Anche se poi il TG Regione di Rai3 ha detto che tutto è in ripresa, che i compratori erano tantissimi e che le aziende calzaturiere avevano già un bel po' di ordini scritti!

E io mi sono chiesta, ma era la stessa edizione che ho visitato io?

Allora tutte le persone che attendevano sulla porta del loro stand vuoto, me le sono immaginate?

E i corridoi areggiati, senza gente?  pure?

E i discorsi sconsolati che ho udito? pure quelli erano falsi?

Dopo il Micam, per chi resiste ed è molto giovane, di solito si prova pure a fare il giro in città, per vedere le vetrine e che aria tira... depressa!

Ma rispetto alla fiera, le vetrine dei negozi di Milano centro erano piene di vere bellezze, scarpe che ti rimettono al mondo per il livello di ricerca, per i pellami, per la diversità delle proposte.

Io questa ricchezza non l'ho vista in fiera.

Allora forse i calzaturieri dovranno ancora partorire ulteriori nuove idee per la prossima stagione invernale, oltre che estiva (visto che ormai al Micam si portano i campionari pronti e quelli programmati).

ormai le scarpe made in india, made in china costano come quelle made in italy

E' davvero sconfortante assistere allo scempio del Made in Italy sulle calzature.

Sono appena tornata da Milano, dove nel più grande magazzino, vicino al Duomo, ho constatato che le calzature prodotte in Cina e in India costano 250,00 euro, esattamente come quelle prodotte in Italia e in vendita là.

Allora, ci si chiede come sia possibile una cosa del genere e soprattutto ormai si deve anche (ahimè) ammettere che, forse a forza di inviare product manager, modellisti, stilisti etc. a lavorare in Asia, gli asiatici abbiano davvero imparato il KNOW HOW della calzatura italiana raggiungendo livelli altissimi, tanto da non capire ormai più la differenza tra un prodotto italiano ed uno asiatico.

L'Asia ringrazia gli europei che hanno delocalizzato e svenduto il loro cervello e la loro arte!
Triste futuro si prevede per il settore calzaturiero italiano.

domenica 7 febbraio 2010

Le fiere del Micam e di Lineapelle sempre più ravvicinate

Questa stagione le fiere del Micam e di Lineapelle sono ravvicinatissime: ad una decina di giorni l'una dall'altra.

Allora ci si chiede ma perchè non farle nelle stesse date e nello stesso luogo? tipo a Milano, in modo che gli addetti ai lavori possano ottimizzare la visita, anche se diventerebbe una doppia visita assai faticosa ma anche andare in giro due volte nello stesso mese per fiere non è il massimo che ci si possa augurare.

Penso anche agli stranieri che dovranno fare avanti e indietro con l'Italia a distanza di solo dieci giorni.

E poi in momenti di crisi come questi come mai si pensa di far stancare e spendere tanti soldi ad addetti ai lavori che magari avrebbero anche da lavorare? e che invece sono costretti a ravvicinare le ricerche e le visite a due fiere a cui non possono rinunciare?

Servirebbe una concertazione migliore e una visione più umana delle fiere, ma anche del lavoro.

Feedbacks from clients on prototypes and samples

  Feedbacks from clients on prototypes and samples:   " You guys have done a tremendous job! I really appreciate all the efforts and ha...