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via Instagram   AW 2020-21 Women's Shoe trend book

#highbootdesign #hardshoesketch #3dshoesketch #bootdevelopment #sketch on the #shoelast #thisisitaly #realmadeinitaly we create #footwears for our clients all #madeinitaly #shoeprototypes #shoesamples #shoeart #extremeluxury #belleepoqueinspiration #shoehistory

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#shoedevelopment for #shoeprototype #shoedesign #shoedefinition #shoecollectionbuilding #italianshoedesign #shoedesignservices #3dshoesketch on the #shoelast #madeinitalyshoes #lusso #luxuryfootwear #fashionshoes #highheels #shoecreation #howtomakeshoes

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from #shoecroquis to #shoedefinition with a direct #3dshoesketch on the #shoelast for #shoevelopment and then #shoeprotype and #shoefinalsample #luxuryfootwear #extremluxury #thisisitaly #realmadeinitaly #realqualityshoes #shoeprocess #howtomakeshoes #italianshoedesign #shoeteamwork #lusso #fashionfootwear

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#shoefinetuning #shoemanufacturing #shoeprototypes #shoesamples #originalaccessories #highheels #madeinitaly #shofactorywork #shoedevelopment #3dshoesketch #teamshoework #thisisitaly #luxury #fashion #lusso #realmadeinitaly

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#fastsketch #fastshoedesign #italianshoedesign #shoemanufacturing #highheel #shoecroquis #fastshoemakingcollection #orignalideashoes #italianshoedesign

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#shoemanufacturing #thiisitaly #shoecompany #madeinitalyshoes #shoepattern #shoeprototypes #shoesamples #roginalaccessories #shoeupper #highheels #shoedevelopment #shoefactory #shoedesignservices #italianshoedesign #luxurymanufacturing #fashion #extremeluxury

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#shoepresentation #nyc #italianshoedesign #madeinitaly #shoeprotypes #shoeproduction #shoesamples #shoecollectionbuilding #extremeluxury #fashion

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#shoepresentation #nyc #shoeprotypes #shoedesign #shoemanufacturing #usa #italianshoedesign #shoedesignservices #luxury #fashion #highheels #art #shoeart #madeinitaly

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#shoeprotype #shoesample #shoemanufacturing #shoecompany #shoefactory #shoepattern #highheels #italianshoedesign #fashion #luxury #italianmade

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#shoedevelopment #shoeprotypes #shoesamples #shoemanufacturing #shoedesign #italianshoedesign #fashion #luxury #italianmade #highheels

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#shoedesign #shoeprotoypedevelopment #shoeproduction #shoemanufacturing #shoesamples #shoedesignservices #luxury #fashion #madeinitaly #italianshoedesign

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#highboots #highheels #extremeluxury #shoesforgoddesses #fashion #shoemanyfacturing #shoedesign #shoeprototypes #shoesamples #shoedesignservices #shoeproductmanagment #shoedesign #italianshoedesign #shoeart #lusso

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#shoeproduction #shoeprototypes #shoemanufacturing #shoesamples #shoedesign #luxuryshoes #fashion #luxury #highheels madeinitalyshoes #shoedesignservices #shoedesign more info at

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A brand new trend PDF book for the next Winter season for men shoes is out:

Anna Paola Pascuzzi and her illustrations are on Ars Arpel magazines

These are the latest published shoe illustrations on Junior, Jolly, and Julia, all Ars Arpel magazines. The trends are the ones of Winter 2013-14:  Beyond Military, Party Goers, Brit Business and Massive. The magazines are: Julia 146, Jolly 135 and Junior 129

A new research photo/trend book is on the way!

The new research photo/trend book for men is on the way. It will be called: “ Winter Shoes for Men ” by We will present the following themes: Formal style (Oxford, Derby and Monkstrap) and Informal style (Casual shoes, Urban Sneakers and Experimental Shoes) All images were taken from the most important shoe shop windows of Milan, Italy. So check it out! Soon the link to the lulu web site will be available.

Winter shoe trends 2011-12: THE BALLERINA HANDBOOK PART ONE, trend shoes for future collections

T h is shoe project is called "THE BALLERINA HANDBOOK, PART ONE, trend shoes for future collections" and it will come in a PDF format, at a special price. “THE BALLERINA HANDBOOK” is made in two parts, each of them is composed by 3 concept boards, with pictures taken in MILAN and OSLO, 3 brand new Shoe Last Designs and their OUTSOLES, ready to be turned into reality and on each shoe last we have developed a set of three brand new UPPER MODELS. So the first HANDBOOK has three shoe lines with nine brand new upper models. To know more send a mail .

Report da ultimo Micam

L'ultima edizione del Micam è stata al solito interessante, ma iper stressante: padiglioni enormi, microclima micidiale, km da percorrere, etc. Il mio punto di vista di vista è questo: pochi concetti nuovi, poca ricerca, molti produttori hanno presentato, al solito, quelle calzature che si creda possano vendere meglio e di conseguenza tutti producono lo stesso tipo di modello, dandosi la zappa e la zeppa sui piedi. In generale l'aria che si respirava, nelle enormi hall del Micam , era depressa! Anche se poi il TG Regione di Rai3 ha detto che tutto è in ripresa, che i compratori erano tantissimi e che le aziende calzaturiere avevano già un bel po' di ordini scritti! E io mi sono chiesta, ma era la stessa edizione che ho visitato io? Allora tutte le persone che attendevano sulla porta del loro stand vuoto, me le sono immaginate? E i corridoi areggiati, senza gente?  pure? E i discorsi sconsolati che ho udito? pure quelli erano falsi? Dopo il Micam , per chi...