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Visualizzazione dei post con l'etichetta a-w shoe illustration

#fashion #style #trends #researches #milan #shoes #material #leather #footweardesigner #footweardesign #shoedesigner #shoedesign

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#maleshoedesign #male #shoes #designs #footweardesigner #footweardesign #shoedesign #handsketches #madeinitaly #

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#shoeresearches #shoe #design #fashion #style #footweardesigner #footweardesign #shoedesignservices #shoecollectiondesign

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#past #shoecollection #handmadeinitaly #shoedesign #italianshoes #footweardesigner #hardwork #germanmarket #fashion #style #shoedesign #collection building

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#prototype #shoelast #shoetest #pump #style #fashion #collectioninthemaking #footweardesigner #italianshoedesign #shoestructure #shoelast #footweardesign #italianshoes #shoedesigner

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#maleshoedesign #italiancreativity #shoillustration #footweardesigner #shoedesigner #fashion #shoemodels

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#shoeillustration #maleshoedesign #shoetoe #shoedesign #detail #fashion #footwear #shoes #style #shoedesigner #footweardesigner #italiancreativity

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#shoedesign #shoecollection #ai #shoecollectiondesign #highheels #casualshoes #footweardesigner #shoedesigner

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#shoedesign #footwearillustration #shoecollectiondesign #ai #highheels #shoeproject #footweardesigner #shoedesigner #footweardesign

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#wedge #sandal #footweardesigner #footweardesign #italian #shoe #design #italianshoedesign #highheels #heels #shoedesign #footweardesign

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past #materialresearches #material for #shoedesign #shoelinedesign #lineapelle #leathers for #shoe #prototypes #shoe #design #footweardesign #footweardesigner #italian #footwear #shoedesigner

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#footwearillustration on ars arpel magazines #footweardesign #footweardesigner #shoes #shoedesign #shoedesignstudio #highheels #fashion #style #madeinitaly #freehandsketching #annapaolapascuzzi

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We offer Shoe Design Services: • from trend and material research to design • from sketch to shoe design...

We offer Shoe Design Services: • from trend and material research to design • from sketch to shoe design... — anna paola pascuzzi (@pascuzzidesign) September 16, 2016 from Twitter September 16, 2016 at 05:35PM via IFTTT

Anna Paola Pascuzzi and her illustrations are on Ars Arpel magazines

These are the latest published shoe illustrations on Junior, Jolly, and Julia, all Ars Arpel magazines. The trends are the ones of Winter 2013-14:  Beyond Military, Party Goers, Brit Business and Massive. The magazines are: Julia 146, Jolly 135 and Junior 129

more shoe design illustrations published on Ars Arpel magazines: a female boot

Anna Paola Pascuzzi owns the total copyright of her illustrations. Luckily many people are visiting these posts and have bought the magazines and if someone wants to take inspiration or decides to copy these models, he/she won't be alone! it takes an entire good education and a very good enviroment to create new shoe model collections.