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Book review by

 The future of fashion footwear is eco-design What it is and how it has evolved? Which materials and production processes does it involve? All are discussed in the book by Anna Paola Pascuzzi The well-being of people and the planet involves an evolution-revolution of how to conceive of the product and its circularity which sees eco-design at the centre, a topic explored by Anna Paola Pascuzzi, researcher and professor at the Sapienza University of Rome and at the Academy of Luxury in Milan, footwear designer and product manager, in her book  Eco-design for fashion footwear. Methodologies and materials . Eco-design – indicated by the EU Strategy for sustainable and circular textile products as a design and production methodology to be applied by 2030 – because sustainability enters every step of the supply chain, from raw materials, to saving water and energy, to the durability of the product, and its end of life. This also involves an awareness of the materials to be used, bei...