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Italian Shoe Design Services

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Shoes & handbags: from sketch to development

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Feedbacks from clients on prototypes and samples

  Feedbacks from clients on prototypes and samples:   " You guys have done a tremendous job! I really appreciate all the efforts and hard work you've put into my project. Thanks!"  Mick B. "Wow!!!!!! Magnificent! I really like these! The prototypes are very pretty!!! Thanks Anna and the Italian team! These are fantastic" Wilma S.

Winner of the Global Footwear Awards

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'Sexy Gladiator Cutout Boot' an example of past work

  Sexy Gladiator Cutout Boot : hand sketch, design on last and final sample. All made in Italy. This boot is made for a sensual and contemporary Amazon warrior.  Strong women wear amazing boot to conquer the world. The boot is crafted in Italy by incredible artisans who are dedicated to the craft.  The commitment to excellence is superb.  From the soft touch of the leather to the robust feel on the foot there is a superb grandness that makes any female feel like a queen. Pattern is brave, and the dimensions are timeless, impeccable artwork that will live in divine fashion history for years to come. Do you like it? and want to make luxury or extreme luxury shoe collections? send a mail to

shoe collection development

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#originality #shoedevelopment #shoedesign #footwearfinetuning #footweardesign #footweardesigner #shoedesigner #realmadeinitaly #shoes

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#shoelast #footwearlast #footwearproduction #shoesamples #shoe #footwear #luxury #shoes #footweardesign #madeinitaly

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#embroideries #footwearresearch #shoedesign #inspiration #footweardesigner #madeinitaly

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Italian Shoe Design advice

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#highbootdesign #hardshoesketch #3dshoesketch #bootdevelopment #sketch on the #shoelast #thisisitaly #realmadeinitaly we create #footwears for our clients all #madeinitaly #shoeprototypes #shoesamples #shoeart #extremeluxury #belleepoqueinspiration #shoehistory

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#shoedevelopment for #shoeprototype #shoedesign #shoedefinition #shoecollectionbuilding #italianshoedesign #shoedesignservices #3dshoesketch on the #shoelast #madeinitalyshoes #lusso #luxuryfootwear #fashionshoes #highheels #shoecreation #howtomakeshoes

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from #shoecroquis to #shoedefinition with a direct #3dshoesketch on the #shoelast for #shoevelopment and then #shoeprotype and #shoefinalsample #luxuryfootwear #extremluxury #thisisitaly #realmadeinitaly #realqualityshoes #shoeprocess #howtomakeshoes #italianshoedesign #shoeteamwork #lusso #fashionfootwear

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#shoefinetuning #shoemanufacturing #shoeprototypes #shoesamples #originalaccessories #highheels #madeinitaly #shofactorywork #shoedevelopment #3dshoesketch #teamshoework #thisisitaly #luxury #fashion #lusso #realmadeinitaly

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#fastsketch #fastshoedesign #italianshoedesign #shoemanufacturing #highheel #shoecroquis #fastshoemakingcollection #orignalideashoes #italianshoedesign

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#shoemanufacturing #thiisitaly #shoecompany #madeinitalyshoes #shoepattern #shoeprototypes #shoesamples #roginalaccessories #shoeupper #highheels #shoedevelopment #shoefactory #shoedesignservices #italianshoedesign #luxurymanufacturing #fashion #extremeluxury

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#shoepresentation #nyc #italianshoedesign #madeinitaly #shoeprotypes #shoeproduction #shoesamples #shoecollectionbuilding #extremeluxury #fashion

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#shoepresentation #nyc #shoeprotypes #shoedesign #shoemanufacturing #usa #italianshoedesign #shoedesignservices #luxury #fashion #highheels #art #shoeart #madeinitaly

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#shoeprotype #shoesample #shoemanufacturing #shoecompany #shoefactory #shoepattern #highheels #italianshoedesign #fashion #luxury #italianmade

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