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The time is right: let's get inspired by Made in China shoes!

For the times are hard and we are in the middle of recession, while Chinese economy is always running and production especially of shoes has moved there, now it's the time for us (European and Western citizens) to be inspired by them: let's research and get ideas from Chinese Shoe Producers, as they have been inspired by Italian shoe producers and designers since now.

Let's get a balance in this market: Chinese are leaders of the shoe world in terms of quantity and, from my point of view, now even in terms of design, so it happens quite naturally to get trend inspirations from them and to turn them into shoe products to be made in Europe.

I guess this idea is great, I personally know where to search and how to transform their shoe ideas in Italian shoe produsts, so just make it!


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Laboratorio di calzature Calzarium a Roma

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new shoe illustration: black and white

Anna Paola Pascuzzi owns the total copyright of her illustrations. Luckily many people are visiting these posts and if someone wants to take inspiration or decides to copy these models, he/she won't be alone! it takes an entire good education and a very good enviroment to create new shoe model collections.