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"Winter Shoes for Men" is out!

The new research photo/trend book for men shoes is published on lulu This 61 pages PDF is filled with winter shoes; formal and informal ones. The richness of the concepts for creating new uppers, new shoelasts, new outsoles, new color combos is the main feature of the "Winter Shoes for Men" trend book.

A new research photo/trend book is on the way!

The new research photo/trend book for men is on the way. It will be called: “ Winter Shoes for Men ” by We will present the following themes: Formal style (Oxford, Derby and Monkstrap) and Informal style (Casual shoes, Urban Sneakers and Experimental Shoes) All images were taken from the most important shoe shop windows of Milan, Italy. So check it out! Soon the link to the lulu web site will be available.

"Summer Shoes for Men": the PDF book

"Summer shoes for men"  is a very necessary tool for the design process of shoes. The research is the base for creating new outsoles, new heels, new shoelasts and uppers. This trend book talks of loafers, oxford and derby shoes, urban sneakers, experimental shoes and much more. The pictures of this important study made on the future shoes, were taken in the most edgy shoe shop windows of Milan, the city of the Italian fashion.

"The summer shoes for women" PDF book is on the way

The new PDF book (made of pictures taken in the most important Italian shoe shop windows) called "The Summer Shoes for Women", filled with sandals, peep toes, pumps, flip flops and more images is ready now. Are you interested? This is a very necessary tool for the design process of shoes. The research is the base for creating new outsoles, new heels, new shoelasts and uppers. send us a mail at or just visit the following site:

More publishings on Ars Arpel: Julia 143

Handmade in Italy shoes by Calzarium, Via Morichini 30 Rome- Italy- tel. 06 44 24 18 08 Handmade in Italy shoes by Calzarium, Via Morichini 30 Rome- Italy- tel. 06 44 24 18 08 Handmade in Italy shoes by Calzarium, Via Morichini 30 Rome- Italy- tel. 06 44 24 18 08 Handmade in Italy shoes by Calzarium, Via Morichini 30 Rome- Italy- tel. 06 44 24 18 08

My Interview on Color China

Published Men shoes illustrations

Published Children shoe illustrations

Report from Micam Fair, March 2011. One very interesting Japanese shoe designer and shoe artisan: Tetsuya Uenobe

I visited Micam fair and met this Japanese shoe designer and shoe maker, a very talented artisan, named Tetsuya Uenobe. He manufactures handmade shoes with smart and very interesting designs. Here is an example of his work. More info at or if you are in Japan go visit him in Hyogo

Siamo Italiani-filmato.m4v